12 November 2018

Solidarity rises up to greet the caravan in Mexico

Afsaneh Moradian, Bea Abbott, Héctor A. Rivera and Brian Napoletano report from Mexico and the U.S. on the progress of the migrant caravan through Mexico — and on the inspiring displays of solidarity at every stop that set an example for activists in the U.S. — for Socialist Worker.

Members of the caravan in Mapastepec, Chiapas on October 25. Photo by José Manuel Mojica Vélez.

06 November 2018

The founding of Science for the People-Mexico

I recently had the honor of helping to translate the declaration announcing the founding of Science for the People-Mexico, which was just published today in Socialist Worker. Two key issues that the Mexico branch of SftP formed around are concerns regarding the way science has been bent to the service of ongoing capital accumulation and the attacks and inaction on climate science.