I recently had the honor of helping to translate the declaration announcing the founding of Science for the People-Mexico, which was just published today in Socialist Worker. Two key issues that the Mexico branch of SftP formed around are concerns regarding the way science has been bent to the service of ongoing capital accumulation and the attacks and inaction on climate science.
The scientists coming together to form the promotional core of Cienca para el Pueblo-México have been involved in many of the nation's recent political upheavals, and share a vision of a science of the working and oppressed classes in the interest of overcoming this oppression and the system that institutionalizes it. This can be seen as part of the larger project of building a strong, independent pole to the left of President-elect Andrés Manuel López Obrador's Morena party, and "capable of challenging the national oligarchy and its international
backers, and of initiating a process of radical transformation of the
country and the world."
The full statement is available at Socialist Worker under the headline "An international struggle for science and justice." The original statement, in Spanish, was published on 4 October on the website of the Revolutionary Workers' Party of Mexico.
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